Monday, 22 June 2009

Sea, sun, sand and sunburn

Joe and I managed to save enough air miles for a trip to the caribbean and chose Tobago for our big getaway!
we couldn't be happier with our choice - what an amazing island!
Joe found us a great "no-frills" cottage overlooking a golf course which ended at the ocean, so fab views!
Avocado Cottage had no air con, open air plan (meaning the geckos got to hang out with us at night), a resident doggie with such a sweet disposition, and an avocado tree whose dropping fruit managed to wake us up every morning...and some nights too!
Being only 26.2 miles long, before arriving I thought it could be a great place for a marathon. However, one day of driving around the island for over 7 hours slowly crawling around hair pin turns and incredibly steep gradients, we managed to get back in one piece.
One beach we settled into after our lunch had a great bit of wave to it, so we enjoyed splashing around. it wasn't until I got out and dried off that I saw the sign warning visitors of the manta ray that resides in the area. If growing up in land locked Illinois hadn't already ill prepared me for the creatures found under water, that sign certainly sealed my fate of being forever fearful of open water (yeah, I hear the ozzie contingent laughing at me right now!).
Having to prepare for my half marathon next month, I did attempt running at 6am a few mornings, getting up with the rest of the island who do all their yard work that early to avoid the sun. well, I might as well have run at high noon because it didn't make one bit of difference to me. it was hot, damn hot. Joe even got out there to run on the beach and we both gave up quite soon after starting.
We enjoyed snorkelling, jet skiing, drinking and just being plain lazy - overall fabbest (is that a word) hols ever!