Thursday, 26 August 2010

Wedding of the year!!!

Well, the parentals along with Joe and I managed to get to Birmingham in one piece and upon arrival, I got to see one of my two bestest buddies - the blushing bride to be, and was overjoyed with finally getting to hug her!
The Belfry, our hotel, is stunning. Known for golfing, it is highly regarded in such circles. Sadly, Rahul along with all the men in his wedding party, AND Joe, will be damaging much of that reputation tomorrow morning as they hit the course and attempt 18 holes with minimum ball losses all within a four hour period. Hmmn, this should be interesting.
I sit here writing with a happy buzz from the indulgant food and wine served at Simpsons restaurant Rahul and Sarita treated a group of us to tonight. A fab night had by all and the amazing kindness and friendliness exhibited by all the couples there made it such a wonderful evening.
Off to bed in readiness for what I imagine will be quite an intense day tomorrow!

Whose finding out what we are up to?
