Monday, 13 April 2009


On our way back to London from the big Birthday celebration weekend for Joe, we took a Wales.
After almost having a heart attack paying almost £6 to cross the bridge into Wales, i took a few deep breaths and soldiered on.
We were about 5 minutes from the entrance to our destination, when a wrong turn tested the wonder that is "Joe Joe", my own version of Tom Tom made up of Joe and his mobile phone gps. Note to travellers: gps on mobile phones isn't very reliable in remote places. Numerous back country gravel paths later, we found the parking lot for our day hike mission.
The country park consists of 4 big waterfalls situated along a 3 mile path. For each waterfall, you need to descend (quite a long way I might add) along rock strewn paths and water drenched mud steps to get nice a close for photo opps and getting wet opps.
At one point, Joe and I went down through a waterfall and chose another trecherous path back up the other side only to find out we went the wrong way. Bemused and exhausted, we scaled down the incredibly steep, muddy and slippery rocks back to the correct side and huffed our way back to the car.
It was hard, we were in pain, and in hindsight, it probably wasn't the best choice of activities before a 5 hour ride home. But, it was worth it!!! Check these photos out!

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